On our holidays the areas are remote, the lifestyle is very different and events much less predictable than on a conventional holiday. In addition, some of the activities involved, particularly on Multi-Activity and Trekking trips are potentially hazardous in which accidents inevitably occur from time to time. Health, safety and operational standards - particularly of hotels, transport and airlines- are often not up to Western levels. However, good our organization is, we are at the mercy of the unexpected, and this type of trip can never be entirely cut-and-dried. If you are not prepared for this you should not travel with us. because this is not ordinary package holidays, the outline itineraries given in this brochure are statements of intent rather than promises. Local weather, politics, airlines, transport or a host of other uncontrollable factors can mean a change in itinerary or means of transport.
It is unlikely that the itinerary would be substantially altered, but if changes are necessary the leader will decide the best alternative, after consultation with the group. Where a delay or change does occur, we will do everything we can to minimize its effects, but we can not be held responsible for the results of delays or changes outside our control.
Crime and other security risks exist in practically in all countries. Travelling in a group is a safeguard, but not a guarantee. Though we will take all reasonable care of you, we cannot do this adequately if you do not at all times take sensible precautions yourself.
Finally, We advice you to purchase a full travel insurance covering cancellations, health, lost baggage, accident and personal effects. We do not assume responsibility for damage or loss of any personal effects.