Cleaning & care of carpets & kilims
Cleaniness is the first and major step towards the preservation of a hand-made
carpet and it is the best care of to damage. There are no hard or fast rules to
stipulate when and how often to clean a carpet since every had-made carpet is
different and every hosehold exposes a carpet to different amounts of wear and
dirt. There are many professional books on the care and cleaning of carpets that
one may consult if one is interested in doing a professional cleaning. However,
the following advice and information are basic general instructions that the average
home owner may exercise in the care and cleaning of an Oriented carpet. The best
recommendation is regular brushing with an old fashioned handbroom with natural
bristles or the use of an electric carpet sweeper. Remember that it is just as
important to brush the underlay of the carpet and floor beneath. One caution,
the regular use of a vacuum cleaner will eventually start to loosen the knots
andpull the fibers out of the pile, also never use the revolving brush attachment
on a carpet for it will actually pull the fibers apart. The nozzle attachment
is the best and may be used once a month.
Hand Cleaning at Home Prepare a mixture of the following proportions; half a cup
of carpet shampoo to four and a half cups of warm water and add one tablespoon
of vinegar to prevent the colour from running. Lay the carpet with the pile up
on a hard flat surface. Dip the brush in the liquid and apply it in gentle even
vertical strokes. Vigorous brushing or scrubbing will not clean throughly and
is likely to damage the carpet in its wet vulnerable state. Start in one corner,
brushing up and down, with and against the pile with even overlapping movements.
The amount of shampoo applied and the pressure of the bruh should be as constant
as possible over the entire carpet surface. Once the carpet is brushed vertically
(lengthvise) then brush horizontally or from side to side across the pile, with
the same gentle overlapping strokes. The pile should be throughly cleaned by now.
Finally, brush gently in the direction of the pile as the carpet dries, so that
the pile is lying in the right direction.
Drying Preferably use a room where there is a warm air current heating system.
Do not drape the carpet, it must be allowed to dry flat, and don't walk, or place
anything on it until it is completely dry. The warp, weft and pile of a completely
dried carpet should feel soft and pliable. Remove the dried dirt and shampoo powder
by gently brushing with a soft dry brushing.
Blotting and Stain Removing
When spills occur, dilute with plenty of water. Next, blot from the edge of
the spill toward the center. Avoid rubbing the area. For solid spills, take a
spoon and carefully scoop up the material. It is always best to attack the spill
immediately. The following information will help you eliminate most stains. For
further advice, contact us. We will be glad to
Things to Avoid
Washing machines and spin dryers should never be used for any delicate hand-made
item. With carpets the vibration, water temperature and harsh detergents will
cause irreparable damage; posibble colour-run from the hot water and the detergents
and a cement-like wool once dry. It may even reduce the carpet to shreads. Again
dry cleaners sometimes advertise themselves as carpet cleaners. Their services
may be useful for machine-made carpets, but an Orientel Hand-made masterpiece
should never be subjected to the strong chemicals that these firms use. The damage
may become apparant only after several months and the damage is irreparable.
Moth Damage Wool carpets and kilims are subject to moth damage. The dark areas
of the carpet should be inspected for signs of moth damage, which will result
in a weakened foundation or in the knots eventually pulling out where the nap
has been eaten away. New carpet and kilims are treated with insecticides before
exportations and onces in a dealer's shop they are frequently moved about to avoid
this problem.